Welcome to Mission to Seafarers, Newcastle

The Port of Newcastle is growing. Already the largest exporter of coal in the World, Newcastle is continually expanding.

More than a Charity. Our aim is to be a warm, loving “home away from home”. We are committed to serving seafarers by providing excellent services where they feel wanted, accepted, and well looked after.

We desire to make each person who comes to us, feel like they belong.  We seek to do all that we can to make a real difference in their life.

How do we do all this?

The volunteers who come with welcoming hearts and who seek to genuinely care for all who enter our home. These are the real heroes who provide our international friends with smiling faces.

They drive, serve tea and coffee, act as tourist guides, cooks, entertainers and a whole lot more. Most importantly – they generously give of their time, have caring ears to listen and hearts to love.

Other Services

Our core business is serving local Seafarers who enter the Port of Newcastle. Currently, there are about 40,000 seafarers who annually enter the port of Newcastle. This will steadily rise as the port expands.

We also seek to serve individuals and organizations who work in the maritime industry – it is for this reason that our chaplains are “Chaplains to the Port of Newcastle”.

The Mission also has a community focus and seeks to be involved in activities such as memorial services, blessing of the fleet, festivals, Church, service clubs and other groups to help make our wonderful city even better.