The Mission to Seafarers (MTS) is a missionary society of the Anglican Church. Our organisation cares for the spiritual and practical welfare of seafarers from all races and creeds and their families. The MTS operates through a network of chaplains, honorary chaplains, lay staff and helpers who show God’s love to seafarers in more than 230 ports around the world.

We are a volunteer organisation and we provide welcome and friendship. We offer help of whatever kind is required: it may be visiting a seafarer left in a foreign hospital, assisting the survivors of a disaster at sea, comforting the distressed or bereaved, providing support for families or helping cases of injustice or hardship.

The MTS is a place where seafarers can relax away from their ships. The facilities offered may vary but most centres have a chapel, telephones and computers to assist seafarers to keep in touch with their families as well as a small shop selling toiletries, souvenirs, food and drinks as well as leisure facilities.

Founded in 1856, the Mission adopted, as its symbol, a flying angel inspired by a verse from the Book of Revelation (14:60)

“Then I saw a flying angel in mid-heaven, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those on earth, to every nation and tribe, language and people”

 With this verse as our guide, we here at the Port of Newcastle, attempt to create a friendly environment for our local and international visitors. Our volunteers provide a vital network of carers for all seafarers from around the world.

In Newcastle, we have a very special relationship with Stella Maris, the Roman Catholic equivalent to the Mission to Seafarers. Stella Maris, The Apostleship of the Sea, is an agency of the Catholic Church. It is also sometimes known as Stella Maris.